From Dev-Ops projects aiding the agility of educational management, SaaS services, middleware, integrations, LTI or Stand-Alone developments and applications… Everything related to the educational technology needed by our clients is masterfully crafted in our offices.

  • Endorsed 1EdTech TrustEd Apps pledge 
  • Migrate LTI tools to new infrastructure using AWS Landing Zone Accelerator
  • QR-based digital ID card generator with security layers and access app.
  • Implementation of educational survey generator application.
  • LTI for the integration of Google Meet in Sakai.
  • LTI for the integration of Calendar in Sakai.
  • Multi-tenant Microsoft 365 integration for LMS.
  • Integration of video analytics system for LMS.
  • Integration of teleprocessing systems in LMS.
  • Automatic deletion system for video sessions.
  • Notification sending automation system.
  • Middleware for enrollment management at multiple points.
  • Generation and exploitation of statistics in Zoom™.
  • Rotary user licenses manager.
  • Multicampus surveys integration system.
  • Development of an external ad hoc publication system for academic courses.
  • Stand-alone application for academic guides’ coordination and processing for various degrees: bachelor, master, postgraduate, courses.
  • Development of an LTI of analytics for viewing monitoring of recordings of online sessions, on different videoconferencing platforms currently used by the client.
  • Development of the necessary scripts for dev-ops processes migration in AWS environments.
  • Training in the management and administration of the Moodle LMS.
  • Major update to current Moodle’s version and dependent systems.
  • LMS-adjacent code refactoring.
  • Middleware manager for managing university high concurrence notifications.
  • WYSIWYG generator of course templates for Canvas LMS, teacher-oriented.
  • Canvas calendar synchronous integration and enhancement.
  • New LTI app for names pronunciation in Canvas.
  • Log-in integration in SSO systems for Canvas.
  • LTI for sending mass notifications in Canvas to multiple courses in a centralized and programmable way.
  • Generator of batteries of random questions on different topics, levels, and completion of phases.
  • LTI application for adaptive training itineraries creation for Moodle and Sakai through a drag & drop tree system.
  • Integrable LTI physical training application by effort levels and improvement.
  • Development, and contribution to the master version, of 40 new functionalities and improvements for Sakai LMS.
  • Microsoft Office 365 integration into Sakai.
  • LTI integrated with virtual campuses for programming language and database tests automatic assessment.
  • LTI can be integrated with virtual campuses to allow the completion of quick courses from different providers, which require certification of achievement, without the need to register the student in the virtual campus.
  • LTI for grade books management in Canvas: scoring adapted to different national systems, entry into the LMS of grades generated outside the virtual campus, for example in face-to-face sessions, data collection in the LMS and conversion to the institution’s system.
  • Generation of an automated digital content licensing system for publishing company.
  • Generation of rubrics system in LMS.
  • Integration of Zoom™ services in virtual campus.
  • Deep integration of BbB and SaaS service.
  • Middleware for teachers’ anti-plagiarism operator management.
  • Conversion of educational digital content from inDesign™ to LMS.
  • Conversion anti-plagiarism application from manufacturer to LTI.
  • New client UX/UI design.

A lot of projects, clients, friends, experiences, discoveries, learning. Thousands of lines of code that have allowed us to contribute a grain of sand to the development of education with technology-oriented to education.

We are 100% e-Learning.
We work with the next generation of educational technology.